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When you as a customer send a text for translation you expect that we perform this work with the maximum degree of diligence
and all our knowledge or - in case of lectorship - take the necessary time to read the text with full concentration to check
for errors or inaccurateness.
Sometimes small differences decide how a text is interpreted by the reader. Just lookup how many English synonyms you find for
the German adjective "scheinbar" , or how many Italian synonyms for the word "falsch". Which expression is the correct one, and
which is only apparently right and in reality unsuitable?
Other issues are errors in the source text or specific singularities in the Swiss German grammar. Translators having "only"
studied high German will struggle with the typical Swiss expression "ich bin es mich (oder mir) gewohnt" since "gewohnt"
is not reflexive in high German. Another example is if an author has written in haste "in bei einem Teil" and missed
the two prepositions. Only by understanding the context it becomes clear if "in" or "bei" is correct, and even then there
are cases where both options would fit - but only apparently.
We do a lot of research to find the best fitting translation, and if in doubt swe ask our living German dictionary and let him
explain the tiny little differences between 2 expressions which seem to be identical.
As said: a maximum degree of diligence, that you get a high quality result.